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*Culture in/and crisis? : Fifth UNeECC Annual Conference (27-28 October 2011), Lessius Antwerp, Belgium

Presentation of research on the role and place of the sacred in transgressive, contemporary art and image)



*Dutch-Flemish day of philosophy, Technical University of Delft (Netherlands), 31 October 2011.

Presentation of research on the role and place of the sacred in transgressive, contemporary art and image)



*Has beauty burned her face? -On violence and transgression in art and culture/ Heeft Schoonheid haar gezicht verbrand? - Over geweld en transgressie in kunst en cultuur

Lecture at the School of Comparative Philosophy, University of Antwerp (Campus 3 Eiken),2 June 2012



*In de ogen van Medusa: geweld en verlies in westerse, postmoderne cultuur en hedendaagse kunst (drie lezingen op 12 september, 19 september, 26 september 2012 om 19u30 te Leuven) /Into the eyes of Medusa : violence and loss in western, postmodern culture and contemporary art (three lectures on 12th of september, 19th of september and 26th of september 2012 at the Lemmensinstitute in Leuven)



*Presentation at TEDxUtrecht (8th of november, city theatre in Utrecht) : 'Into the eyes of Medusa: ugliness and savagery in art as a crisis of the sacred in aesthetics?'



*Eros and the vulnerable man: synthesis and conclusion: Selm Wenselaers, Dimitri Goossens, Suzanne Grotenhuis (The eternal struggle of Eros), lectures, 23 February 2013, 20u00/ Eros en de kwetsbare mens: synthese en slot : Selm Wenselaers, Dimitri Goossens, Suzanne Grotenhuis (De Eeuwige Strijd van Eros), Lezingen, 23 februari 2013, 20u00 Filosofiehuis Het zoekend hert, Koninklijkelaan 43, 2600 Berchem



*'The Labyrinth of Eros' @ Filosofiehuis 'Het zoekend hert', 26 March 2013.



*Summer of Darkness Café @ Tivoli (Spiegelzaal), Utrecht, 11 May 2013.

Lecture on the link between death and art (focus on symbols of death : the corpse and the skull). (to read more about subject)



*Summer of Darkness Festival @ Utrecht, 26 July 2013.

Performance about horror, morality and humanity. Mr. Octavio Aion, a serial killer, reflects on what it means to be a monster, what horror is like, and how to escape our western urge for immortality.....from the impossibility of escaping the fact that a caught serial killer becomes....immortal.



*Summer of Darkness Festival @ Utrecht, 28 July 2013

Lecture on the link between death and art (focus on symbols of death : the corpse and the skull)



*Seminar on Georges Bataille: Georges Bataille: in the eye of the impossible

(School for Comparative Philosophy, Antwerp, 5th of October 2013)



*Lecture at a Conference of Domus Medica, Topic of the conference : loneliness, my contribution: Art and loneliness: an aporetic situation

6th of  October 2013,, Floréal Blankenberge, 9u00.



*Lecture at conference of OZSW (Nederlandse Onderzoeksschool Wijsbegeerte), 16 November 2013, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

 'Death and the image : a plea for an aesthetics of shock'



*Discussion of 'Adem' (theatre play by Braakland/Zhebilding) @ OPEK Leuven, 18 October 2013, approximately 22u00.



*Georges Bataille en het onmogelijke ogenblik van de scheur : sacraliteit en transgressie (Doelenzaal, Universitaire bibliotheek van Universiteit van Amsterdam, 26 februari, 19u30) (lecture)



*'Labyrinth of Eros' : lecture for secondary school of Sint-Niklaas @ 'Het zoekend hert' in Antwerp



*The gaze and the photograph : spectres and the voyeur (Lezing voor vernissage van werk van Rob Mellink e.a. op 24 april te Nijmegen)


*Masterclass on Michel Foucault : 'Discipline, toezicht en straf' (2014) @Het zoekend hert


*All too human : de mens tussen god en beest (Voor vernissage van de tentoonstelling, werk van Ronald Ophuis, Maarten Schoubroeck en Berlinde De Bruyckere) @ 'Het zoekend hert' in Antwerpen


*'Death and social media' @ Social Media Club Utrecht (2015), location : crematorium Daelwijck in Utrecht


*Nacht van de vrijdenker, november 2016


*Privacy en (on)veiligheid : zoektocht naar metafysische, religieuze en existentiële wortels van het veiligheidsdiscours (feb. 2017, Mechelen, Background Educations)


*Host in 'Fans of Flanders' (tv-program), section 'Once upon a time'

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